This is not an exhaustive list of project activities being conducted in the TFCA. While some of these projects pre-date the KAZA process, they nevertheless contribute significantly to the overall goals and objectives of the TFCA.
These are intensive consultative processes facilitated by the Peace Parks Foundation with government, private sector and community level stakeholders at the national, district and local levels.
The first such exercise in the Zambian component of the KAZA TFCA resulted in the production of the Zambian Integrated Development Plan in June 2008. The exercise was so well received by stakeholders and the product so convincing that the other partner countries requested similar exercises to be conducted in their components of the KAZA TFCA.
Both the Angolan and Zimbabwean IDPs are near completion and Botswana and Namibia are scheduled for completion in 2011. Many of the projects being implemented in Zambia currently are a result of this process.
This is not an exhaustive list of project activities being conducted in the TFCA. While some of these projects pre-date the KAZA process, they nevertheless contribute significantly to the overall goals and objectives of the TFCA.
This project is a result of the Integrated Development Plan for the Zambian component of the KAZA TFCA. The project area comprises a Game Management Area in West Zambezi around the Sioma Ngwezi National Park. The project will introduce participatory management into the region with participating communities exploring the viability of wildlife and tourism as land use options. Partners in the project are Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA), Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC), WWF Namibia, WWF Zambia, and CEDP.
The following activities are being undertaken in the Silowana Complex:
a) Development of Ngonye Falls Community Partnership Park which has the potential to become a World Heritage Site due to the presence of culturally significant attractions.
b) Development of fair trade initiatives, value added initiatives and certification initiatives in forestry.
c) Introduction of CBNRM activities such as addressing Human Wildlife Conflict, training of community scouts, developing community based monitoring systems and advising on fire management.
d) Providing technical assistance and training in negotiations for enterprise formations so as to enable greater benefit flow from wildlife and other natural resources.
e) Exploring alternative livelihood income opportunities and food security opportunities through:Conservation farming.
– Fish farming
– Bee keeping
f) Input into the national CBNRM policy from lessons learnt from Silowana.
The establishment of a Community Partnership Park around the second highest waterfall along the Zambezi River, the Ngonye Falls, was proposed as a direct result of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for the Zambian component of the KAZA TFCA
The proposed Community Park has a total area of 17.67 km2 which had no prior formal protection status and no protection measures in place other than the presence of the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) headquarters for the Sioma Ngwezi National Park.
During the IDP process, discussions between ZAWA and the two villages which host the falls (Simumbi and Ling’anga) led to the recognition of the cultural, aesthetic and tourism value of the Ngonye Falls, as well as the contribution that the area could make towards biodiversity conservation and upliftment in the standards of living of local communities. Consequently, both villages offered portions of their land for inclusion into this proposed protected area.
This project is being funded by KfW and DGIS to;
a) Develop tourist and management infrastructure
b) Erect a game proof fence to allow restocking of game
c) Restocking with founder populations of zebra and impala which would add value to the tourism experience
d) Build campsites, at least one of which will be run by the communities directly
e) Sink boreholes to allow access to water for those communities that have willingly offered to relocate outside the proposed protected area and for tourism infrastructure.
In Efforts to learn from experiences in participatory management across international borders, several conservancies in Namibia are engaged in transboundary projects:
a) Kwando, Namibia – Sesheke West Resource Board (Imusho), Zambia Activities include human wildlife conflict mitigation, joint venture patrols, bee keeping, community forest, livestock movement and CBNRM awareness
b)Kasika/Impalila, Namibia – Sekute, Zambia
c) Salambala, Namibia – Chobe Enclave Community Trust, Botswana Activities as guided by an MoU include addressing fisheries issues, fire management, livestock movement, tourism Language
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Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA)