Tourism Without Boundaries

KAZA elephants

What is the KAZA M&E Tool

KIM has collaborated to develop a user-friendly, spatial monitoring tool that enables multiple parties to assess the change in biological and socio-economic indicators (both spatial and non-spatial) and the achievement of the indicator targets in relation to baselines. This system supports the evaluation of the impact that projects and investments have made in KAZA over time and enables informed adjustments of existing projects (adaptive management) as well as a responsible planning of future initiatives.

Getting Started

To get started please see the help page above or access the KAZA M&E Map Interface. The low-bandwidth library provides all datasets in Excel format.

Online Tool

Data on the M&E tool has been collected by KAZA M&E Officer. It has been obtained from various sources that include government departments, field surveys, satellites, external party involvement, and online data repositories. All data used is recognized by KAZA partner countries. Should you have or know of relevant data please contact us at the details below.

Low Bandwidth Library

Officer. It has been obtained from various sources that include government departments, field surveys, satellites, external party involvement, and online data repositories. All data used is recognized by KAZA partner countries. Should you have or know of relevant data please contact us at the details below. low bandwidth link Low Bandwidth Library Access to all data found in the KAZA M&E Tool, in low bandwidth friendly form. The help file and demonstration video are also stored in this library


The development of this tool was made possible by KfW which has supported KIM since 1 April 2016 as part of a contract between the KAZA Secretariat (represented by Peace Parks Foundation) and WWF Germany. The contract stipulates all the conditions for implementation of the project: “Development of a comprehensive KAZA impact monitoring system for adaptive management and integrated planning”.


Please note that some data have restricted access.

To obtain a login or inquire about these data, please contact the KAZA M&E Officer:

Liwena Sitali
